1·By and large, nomadism implies a high degree of self-sufficiency and inhibits the appearance of an extensive division of labor.
2·A move back to self-sufficiency, the argument goes, would boost the farming industry, political sovereignty and even the nation's health.
3·I'm not advocating that we stop looking for incentives to move poor people toward self-sufficiency or that we stop punishing people for criminal behavior.
4·That self-sufficiency cannot be taken for granted if yields continue to slow down or reverse.
5·Two sides almost never change: that you can manipulate people into self-sufficiency and that you can punish them into good citizenship.
6·In her own research, Vohs has found that thinking about money gives people a sense of self-sufficiency, making them less likely to ask for or offer help.
7·The ministry of agriculture, for example, wants to increase self-sufficiency in food.
8·Decent and productive work is one of the most effective ways to fight poverty and build self-sufficiency.
9·Even Nietzsche, this advocate of 'hardness' and self-sufficiency, needed his Ariadne, with her love and the thread of her wisdom to anchor him in reality.
10·Officials claim to have achieved self-sufficiency in melons (piled high on the roadsides) and Onions; and the price of eggs has fallen to half what it is in the West Bank.